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It all started in 1915...

when sixty Catholic women organized the Catholic Girls’ Society at Whitewater Normal School, primarily a teaching college, founded in 1868. The Catholic Girls' Society met every other week on Tuesday nights to...


In 1920 the group was renamed the Mercier club when membership was broadened to include Catholic men. The club was named after Archbishop Désiré-Félicien-François-Joseph Mercier, of Belgium. â€‹Whitewater Normal School later became Whitewater Teachers College in 1927.

The Royal Purple Newsletter, Dec. 8, 1915
Catholic Girls' Society listed as a Whitewater Normal School Organization in the December 8, 1915 edition of The Royal Purple

Catholic Student Center

Catholic Student Center (1970).png

Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.

Catholic Student Center - Whitewater (1970s)

Tel. 262.473.5555
336 North Prairie Street
Whitewater, WI 53190

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A Ministry of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee

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