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The St. Mel Chapel provides a secure and convenient space for prayer and contemplation for students, missionaries, and faculty. It is open to the public for most of the day and can be entered through the rear entrance of the Campus Ministry Center.

Campus Ministry center


The Campus Ministry Center (CMC), located at 344 N. Prairie Street, serves as the central location for our activities. The ground floor living room is where we hold our weekly events, including Mass and Community nights, and also houses the St. Mel Chapel. On the upper level, you can find our Small Group Meeting Room and the Sun Room, which is perfect for spending time with friends and playing games.

The Upper Room

Study Space

The Upper Room Study Space is situated at 336 N. Prairie Street, adjacent to the Campus Ministry Center, in the "Brown House." It offers a place for students to gather with friends, study, or interact with our staff. In addition to our administrative offices, the Brown House also hosts enjoyable outdoor activities for students during the fall and spring.

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